
Custom Ticker
  • Join Our Annual Seminar Business Growth Summit February 03, 2024 at Al Hamra, Art Council.
  • Join Our WordPress & Shopify Course Starting Feburary 15, 2024.
  • Join Our Freelancing Course Starting Feburary 18, 2024.
  • Join Our Social Media Marketing (SMM) Course Starting Feburary 25, 2024.
  • Join Our Amazon Course Starting Feburary 10, 2024.
  • Join Our Annual Seminar Business Growth Summit February 03, 2024 at Al Hamra, Art Council.
  • Join Our WordPress & Shopify Course Starting Feburary 19, 2024.
  • Join Our Freelancing Course Starting Feburary 11, 2024.
  • Join Our Social Media Marketing (SMM) Course Starting Feburary 14, 2024.
  • Join Our Amazon Course Starting Feburary 10, 2024.
  • Join Our Annual Seminar Business Growth Summit February 03, 2024 at Al Hamra, Art Council.
  • Join Our WordPress & Shopify Course Starting Feburary 13, 2024.
  • Join Our Freelancing Course Starting Feburary 19, 2024.
  • Join Our Social Media Marketing (SMM) Course Starting Feburary 05, 2024.
  • Join Our Amazon Course Starting Feburary 10, 2024.
Custom Ticker
  • Join Our Annual Seminar Business Growth Summit February 03, 2024 at Al Hamra, Art Council.
  • Join Our WordPress & Shopify Course Starting Feburary 15, 2024.
  • Join Our Freelancing Course Starting Feburary 18, 2024.
  • Join Our Social Media Marketing (SMM) Course Starting Feburary 25, 2024.
  • Join Our Amazon Course Starting Feburary 10, 2024.
  • Join Our Annual Seminar Business Growth Summit February 03, 2024 at Al Hamra, Art Council.
  • Join Our WordPress & Shopify Course Starting Feburary 19, 2024.
  • Join Our Freelancing Course Starting Feburary 11, 2024.
  • Join Our Social Media Marketing (SMM) Course Starting Feburary 14, 2024.
  • Join Our Amazon Course Starting Feburary 10, 2024.
  • Join Our Annual Seminar Business Growth Summit February 03, 2024 at Al Hamra, Art Council.
  • Join Our WordPress & Shopify Course Starting Feburary 13, 2024.
  • Join Our Freelancing Course Starting Feburary 19, 2024.
  • Join Our Social Media Marketing (SMM) Course Starting Feburary 05, 2024.
  • Join Our Amazon Course Starting Feburary 10, 2024.

Ignite Your Future with Web Development Courses in Lahore

You maybe someone with a passion for web development or someone who has had no luck getting a job. Then, step into the world of technology with  web development courses in Lahore. Web development is considered to be one of the top skills.
The front-end web development course will start with classic HTML, which I hope you enjoy as much as I did. After HTML, the ride will take you through the long chapters of CSS and Bootstrap. We will be leaving no stone unturned in the mystery of web development. After the big three comes a small and easy chapter of JavaScript. This one I can tell you will love.  All of them together will give you a boost in the digital world. This will be perfect for anyone who needs to renew their resume and for someone who wants to learn a skill that will be helpful in the future.
This is the pathway you want in the digital world today.
Freelancing  will be taught additionally so trained candidates can start earning by selling these skills at online freelance platforms.
  • Introduction to Front-End Development.
  • HTML Editor.
  • HTML Elements.
  • HTML Attributes.
  • HTML Heading.
  • HTML Paragraph.
  • HTML Styles.
  • HTML Formatting.
  • HTML Quotations.
  • HTML Comments.
  • HTML Colors.
  • HTML Links.
  • HTML Images.
  • HTML favicon.
  • HTML List.

  • HTML Classes.
  • HTML Table.
  • HTML Id.
  • HTML Layout.

  • HTML Media.
  • HTML Forms.
  • Introduction to CSS.
  • CSS Syntax.
  • Three Ways of Css.
  • Css Comments.
  • Css Colors.
  • CSS Backgrounds.
  • CSS Borders.
  • CSS Margins.
  • CSS Padding.

  • CSS Outline.
  • CSS Text.
  • CSS Fonts.
  • CSS Icons.
  • CSS Links.
  • CSS Lists.
  • CSS Tables.
  • CSS Display.
  • CSS Max-width.

  • CSS Height/Width.
  • CSS Position.
  • CSS Z-index.
  • CSS Float.
  • CSS Alignment.
  • CSS Opacity.
  • CSS Navigation Bar.
  • CSS Dropdowns.
  • CSS Media Queries.
  • CSS Website Layout.
  • Introduction to Bootstrap.
  • Bootstrap Containers.
  • Bootstrap Grid.
  • Bootstrap Typography.
  • Bootstrap Colors.
  • Bootstrap Tables.
  • Bootstrap Images.
  • Bootstrap Jumborton.
  • Bootstrap Alerts.
  • Bootstrap Buttons.
  • Bootstrap Badges.
  • Bootstrap Progress Bars.
  • Bootstrap Spinners.
  • Bootstrap Pagination.

  • Bootstrap List Groups.
  • Bootstrap Card.
  • Bootstrap Dropdows.
  • Bootstrap Collapes.
  • Bootstrap Navbar.
  • Bootstrap Carousel.
  • Bootstrap Model.
  • Bootstrap Tooltip.
  • Bootstrap Popover.
  • Bootstrap Toast.
  • Bootstrap Scrollspy.
  • Bootstrap Utilities.
  • Bootstrap Forms.
  • Advance Bootstrap Flex.
  • Advance Bootstrap Grid.
  • JS Intorduction
  • JS Syntax
  • JS Comments
  • JS Variables
  • JS Operator
web development front-end
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